Components are the basic building block of toddle applications. A component can be thought of as a mini application, and multiple components can be combined to build bigger and more complex apps.

Components can be small and simple like this Formula Icon

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Or Large and complex like the HelpCenter in the toddle editor

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Components can be used to break a page down into smaller manageable parts, like we do here on our home page:

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This makes working with large pages much simpler since you don’t have to scroll though all those elements when trying to find the part that you want to edit.

Components can also be used to reuse styling and behavior multiple places in your application, like with toddles button components:

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Element tree

Every component contains an element tree it will render on to the page where the component is placed. The component is responsible when and how each element is rendered, as well how each element is styled.

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For more info see:

Content tab